[Salon] Labour opens up massive poll lead over Tories in London


Labour opens up massive poll lead over Tories in London

Basit Mahmood
 6 April, 2023

The Labour Party made significant gains in the capital in the local elections last year.

Keir Starmer

The Labour Party has opened up a 40-percentage-point lead over the Tories in London, according to the latest polling by YouGov – the party’s highest lead since the polling company started tracking voting intention in the capital in 2010.

According to the poll, 58% of respondents in London said they would vote Labour if there was a general election tomorrow, while just 18% of the 1,051 adults in London surveyed said they would vote Conservative.

The poll findings come as both parties set out their pitches to voters before the local elections on May 4th. The Liberal Democrats are on 9% while the Greens are on 7%.

Lukas Paleckis, Senior Political Researcher at YouGov said: “This new London Westminster voting intention serves as further evidence that the government’s big push on key issues, such as immigration, is not yet paying off in the ballot box both nationally and in London.

“In fact, this polling gives the Conservatives their lowest vote share in London since YouGov began tracking back in 2010.

“In addressing these figures, the Conservatives may wish to focus on the fact that just 43 per cent of Londoners who voted for them in 2019 say they would vote the same way if there was a general election tomorrow, otherwise London’s marginal Tory seats may be at risk.”

The Labour Party made significant gains in the capital in the local elections last year, taking Westminster council for first time since its creation in 1964, Wandsworth council for the first time since 1978 and also winning Barnet council after 20 years of Tory rule.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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